Resource Library

This is a collation of scientific research papers, reports, and books which all contain fascinating stories and scientific information about the Mary River turtle. Many of the scientific publications listed here are a result of the financial and other support given by Tiaro Landcare to university researchers.

Beukeboom, R (2014) Threats to the early life stages of the Mary River  turtle (Elusor macrurus) from Queensland, Australia. MSc thesis, Utrecht University.

Saving the endangered Mary River turtle: Enhancing conservation outcomes through community engagement.

The efficacy of protecting turtle nests as a conservation strategy to reverse population decline.

Campbell MA, Connell MJ, Collett SJ, Udyawer V, Crewe TL, McDougall A, & Campbell HA (2020) The efficacy of protecting turtle nests as a conservation strategy to reverse population decline. Biological Conservation, vol. 251

Campbell, H (2010) The strange tale of the Mary River’s tiny turtle: The future is uncertain for the odd reptile that helped stop the Traveston Crossing dam. Australian Geographic.

Cann, J (1998) Australian Freshwater Turtles. Beaumont Publishing, Singapore.

Cann, J & Sadlier, R (2017) Freshwater turtles of Australia. CSIRO Publishing.

Clark, NJ (2008) The diving physiological ecology of Australian Freshwater turtle hatchlings. PhD thesis, The University of Queensland.

Clark, NJ, Gordos MA & Franklin, CE (2008) Diving behaviour, aquatic respiration and blood respiratory properties: a comparison of hatchling and juvenile Australian turtles. The Zoological Society of London, vol. 275 no. 4.

Clark, NJ, Gordos, MA & Franklin, CE (2008) Thermal plasticity of diving behaviour, aquatic respiration, and locomotor performance in the Mary River turtle Elusor macrurus. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches, vol 81, no. 3.

Clark, NJ, Gordos, MA & Franklin, CE (2009) Implications of river damming: the influence of aquatic hypoxia on the diving physiology and behaviour of the endangered Mary River turtle. Animal Conservation 12: 147-154

Collett, S (2017) Understanding the environmental conditions that dictate the abundance and distribution of two threatened freshwater turtles of south-east Queensland. Honours thesis, Charles Darwin University.

Connell, M, & Wedlock, B (2006) Mary River Turtle Protection: Tiaro District of Southeast Queensland, 2005 2006 nesting season. Conservation technical and data report, Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency.

Connell, M J, McDougall, A, & Campbell HA (2018) Identifying assemblages of river turtles using a passive and systematic capture technique in the Mary River, Queensland, Australia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 17(2): 187-196.

Connell, MJ (2018) Freshwater turtle assemblages of the Mary River (Queensland, Australia), with a focus on the population of the endangered Elusor macrurus. MSc thesis, Charles Darwin University.

Department of the Environment (2017) Elusor macrurus in species profile and threats database.

Espinoza, T, Connell, M, Marshall, S, Beukeboom, R & McDougall, A (2018) Nesting behaviour of the endangered Mary River turtle: monitoring and modelling to inform e-flow strategies. Australian Journal of Zoology, 66, 15-26.

Flakus, S (2002) Ecology of the Mary River turtle, Elusor macrurus. MSc Thesis, The University of Queensland.

Flakus S, & Connell M (2008) The Mary River turtle yesterday, today, tomorrow. Tiaro & District Landcare Group Inc.

Georges, A & McInnes, S (1998) Temperature fails to influence hatchling sex in another genus and species of chelid turtle, Elusor macrurus. Journal of Herpetology, vol. 32, no. 4.

Kuchling, G (2008) Independent Expert Review of the information provided in the Traveston Crossing Dam EIS that relates to the Mary River Turtle (EPBC Referral 2006/3150).

Legler, JM, & Cann, J (1994) The Mary River Tortoise: A New Genus and Species of Short-Necked Chelid from Queensland, Australia (Testudines: Pleurodira). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(2): 81-96.

Limpus, C (2008) Freshwater turtles in the Mary River: Review of biological data for turtles in the Mary River, with emphasis on Elusor macrurus and Elseya albagula. Queensland Government, Brisbane.

Micheli-Campbell, MA, Campbell, HA, Cramp, RL, Booth, DT & Franklin, CE (2011) Staying cool, keeping strong: incubation temperature affects performance in a freshwater turtle. Journal of Zoology, vol. 285, no. 4, pp. 266-273.

Micheli-Campbell, MA, Gordos, MA, Campbell, HA, Booth, DT & Franklin, CE (2012) The influence of daily temperature fluctuations during incubation upon the phenotype of a freshwater turtle. Journal of Zoology, vol. 288, no. 2, pp. 143-150.

Micheli-Campbell, M A de (2012) Habitat requirements for nesting and early life-stages of the endangered Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus): Insights for conservation. PhD thesis, The University of Queensland.

Micheli-Campbell, MA, Baumgartl, T, Booth, DT, Campbell, HA, Connell, M & Franklin, CE (2013) Selectivity and repeated use of nesting sites in a freshwater turtle. Herpetologica, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 383-396.

Micheli-Campbell, MA, Campbell, HA, Connell, M, Dwyer, RG & Franklin, CE (2013) Integrating telemetry with a predictive model to assess habitat preferences and juvenile survival in an endangered freshwater turtle. Freshwater Biology, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 2253-2263.

Micheli-Campbell, MA, Connell, M, Dwyer, R, Franklin, C, Fry, B, Kennard, M, Tao, J & Campbell, H (2017) Identifying critical habitat for freshwater turtles: integrating long-term monitoring tools to enhance conservation and management. Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1675-1688.

Schmidt, DJ, Brockett, B, Espinoza, T, Connell, M & Hughes, JM (2016) Complete mitochondrial genome of the endangered Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus) and low mtDNA variation across the species’ range. Australian Journal of Zoology, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 117-121.

Schmidt, DJ, Espinoza, T, Connell, M & Hughes, JM (2017) Conservation genetics of the Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus) in natural and captive populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2017;1-9

Smith, T & Connell, M (2018) Mary’s famous five: a story of connection, commitment and community in the recovery of threatened aquatic species in the Mary River catchment, Queensland, in Garnett ST, Latch P, Lindenmayer D & Woinarski J (eds), Recovering Australian threatened species: a book of hope. CSIRO Publishing.