Tiaro Landcare Group

Tiaro & District Landcare Group is one of the thousands of community groups that are part of the Australian Landcare movement. Landcare is a grass-roots movement that started in the 1980s through initiatives to tackle degradation of farmland, public land and waterways. Members of Landcare groups believe we all have a role in looking after ‘our patch’ to ensure the land and water we use for agriculture and our natural environment is healthy and sustainable.
Tiaro & District Landcare Group was formed in 1998 by landholders who lived within 30 km of Tiaro township and were concerned about the possible environmental impacts of a Queensland government proposal to raise the height of the Tidal Barrage on the Mary River.

On learning of the plight of the Mary River turtle in the late 1990s, Landcare members initiated the Mary River turtle conservation program in response to the population decline since the 1970s. They considered it their responsibility to care for this unique threatened species which lived ‘at their doorstep’. A multi-faceted program developed which incorporated direct conservation actions, fund-raising through the sale of chocolate turtles, awareness raising activities, and supporting research. Tiaro Landcare has gained recognition both within Australia and overseas for their commitment over many years to the recovery of the endangered Mary River turtle.
Formal and informal partnerships have been formed with The University of Queensland, Griffith University, Charles Darwin University, the Mary River Catchment Co-ordinating Committee, Fraser Coast, Gympie and Sunshine Coast Regional Councils, Tiaro businesses and other like-minded organisations.
Tiaro Landcare is involved in other projects which have agricultural and environmental outcomes. The group has a lead role in the organisation of the biennial Tiaro Field day.

The Tiaro Landcare Group is community-based not-for profit and relies on the goodwill of its members and volunteers, donations and grants to achieve its goals.
Tiaro Landcare is managed by an Executive Committee who are elected by the members annually. The Executive oversees the function and direction of the group’s activities and ensures good governance practices are implemented.